Thursday, December 19, 2019
The Issue Of Adolescents And The United States Justice System
The Negative disagrees with a passion the resolved â€Å"Adolescents ought to have the right to make autonomous medical choices.†Definitions will play a vital role within this debate as they themselves could be debated. I shall now attempt to provide objective and fair definitions. Adolescents is the â€Å"age which follows puberty and precedes the age of majority according to Black s Law Dictionary. This vague definition gives way to the World Health Organization’s definition that states adolescents as â€Å"young people between the ages of 10 and 19 years.†But within the confides of the United States Justice System â€Å"you are a minor under the guardianship of your parents†until the age of 18 again according to the Black’s law dictionary. So for the sack of debate we will define adolescents as being any person between the ages of 10-17 beginning at the average age of puberty and ending before the individual becomes a legal adult under full c onstrains of the law. Ought is defined by Merriam Webster dictionary as to express obligation or natural expectation. To have the right is defined by Black’s Law dictionary as â€Å"A term applied to rights, privileges, and immunities enjoyed by all citizens EQUALLY and in common, and which have their foundation in the COMMON LAW. Autonomy is the â€Å"personal rule of the self that is free from both controlling interferences by ANY other party and from personal limitations that prevent meaningful choice,†according to University of California SanShow MoreRelatedPrescription Drug Abuse : Drug And Free World1508 Words  | 7 PagesEveryday in the United States, 2,500 youth aged 12 to 17 abuse a prescription pain reliever for the first time (â€Å"Prescription Drug Abuse Statistics – Overdoes Deaths – Drug-Free World,†n.d.) 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